Until that day I heard God....

Misery. I find no better word to describe the past forty nine years of my life. Born in an affluent family that claimed to own half of what was my world, I was the only daughter of my father's second wife. I don't really know of how many wives came afterwards, and with them how many of my brothers and sisters. I haven't known much since that cold night of January, when I was shut up in this room, proclaimed a mentally challenged child. Mad.

Apart from the daily three time meal, that was pushed from underneath the little space beneath my door, I knew nothing of the outside. I was like a structure in a worn out building, no body visited and yet, no body wanted to take the blame to destroy. So, I just remained.

For the first few years, I remember wailing, day and night, screaming at whoever passed near the doorway, to let me free. After all, I was a little child of twelve. Freedom meant so much.

My room. I slowly grew used to this setup, which had nothing but four walls and a broken chair. The floor was sticky with dirt, and the plates made a rustling noise when they came. And yes, there was no light. But that was never a problem, coz with time you understand the mysteries of darkness, however arcane. Slowly, I outgrew the notion that freedom was all that was to life.

I knew of nothing. I didn't know of the war that was happening in the world, or the change in the weather patterns. I had never identified myself with these, and so I never longed to know about them. Day or night, it did not matter. For me, the day was measured by the three plates that slid under my door. A day was a sequence of such three plates.

Nothing ever happened, not that I ever hoped. But one day, the plates stopped coming. I had begun to think, it was the end for me, if at all there was something such as an end. And I waited.

That night, with an empty stomach, I had expected to sleep, and perhaps never wake up again, to see my four walls weeping their agony. I did wake up though. Into another world.....

From the distance, somebody called..... I did not know what he called, but I knew it was for me. I opened my eyes, and saw for the very first time in so many years, Light. Blinding light. Something clutched my heart, and I winced. I felt something I had never felt, Pain. And then I heard a voice. The voice of God.

"Wake up."

The door gave away at my first blow the next day.


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