
It was one of those days when I was able to get off work a little earlier than usual. I knew the Giants were playing and the traffic was going to be bad. In order to make it to the train station in time, I decided to take a cab.

Boarded the cab and as expected, as soon as I uttered the magical words of “Caltrain station please!” I received a slight sigh from the African American driver.

Being the suspicious person I am, I am always wary of cab drivers. Through the 2 mile drive, my mind is usually crafting intelligent rescue plans in the event something unforeseen were to happen.

He drove like a cab driver should, he was fast, sharp on turns and cut people in the middle all the time. It took very little time for us to sprint through Market, through some random apartment complex, onto Brannan. I had only started to relax a bit as I alternated between checking a few emails on my phone to watching the wet streets after the rain and the sky grow darker, when I noticed him eyeing me through the rear view mirror. I tried to look away and go back to admiring the city streets and watching the people that treaded it.

To my relief, we were at the station in no time. I got a $20 bill out of my purse and handed it over. As he handed back my change, he looked at me straight in the eye and said, “Have a good night!”. I blurted my stale “You too” and hurried to get out.

Just then, he turned around once again, and said “You have very beautiful eyes”.


Chitra Iyer said…
Wow!! What a compliment!! No such cab drivers here in India! :(

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