The Universe is Conspiring!

Some things you just know. I don’t believe people when they say reason your life out. I think there is more to life that can’t be explained or justified by reasons alone. Like a dear friend used to say, “Man is a meaning-making machine.” Quite so.

When I asked another dear friend if he knew what that one gift would be that I would want to get him, he knew the answer right away. When something reminded him of me months later, I knew exactly what it was. When a friend wanted to say something to me, I dreamt about him. When I dreamt about a co-worker quitting, he quit. The day I mentioned to a friend how much I loved macademia covered chocolates, two huge boxes of those chocolates were laid on my office kitchen table. The day I suggested a friend to pursue higher studies, two other friends suggested to him the same.

I like to believe it is that power that unites us all. Some call it vibes, some telepathy, others coincidences. I like to think there are things that can be influenced by the mind. Or like Paulo Coelho likes to put it, it’s the universe conspiring!


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