San Francisco

And there we were, hurrying to get to Mc D’s lest our favorite BIG breakfast time’s up. We made it precisely five minutes before they could roll the menu boards over. Aaah, the satisfaction of a yummy and filling breakfast!

With that done, we set out on the ever crazy 101 to San Francisco. I spent most part of the drive on call with a dear friend who cared enough to look up different addresses and give us directions. By the time I hung up, I could see the signs of the San Francisco Industrial Area carved atop a mountain. I clicked pictures, as I gave directions to my hubby through the buzzing downtown roads.

Our first destination. The China Town. I had read enough, as I always do before setting out on a trip, and I loved the first sight of it. Exactly what I had imagined. A trailing series of shops with little knick knacks to sell. Set in the background of the bay, with steep roads going up and down, almost sinusoidal, almost like life. My hubby parked the car a couple of blocks away. We walked down, and I mean literally down, towards the Grant Avenue. I was on a shopping spree!

I entered little shops that boasted Chinese art and culture. I picked up a few keepsakes, a magnet with “San Francisco” engraved, a transparent blue glass pendant shaped like the treble clef, a cute little kung-fu kid with a yellow shirt and a knife in hand, a san francisco pencil case for my niece and a wooden incense stick stand (that I later figured was “Made in India”!!!). We walked almost the entire length of the street, both sides, and returned back.

Our next stop was at the Exploratorium. This is more a hands-on fun place than a museum. It has surprising things and lotsa science facts to learn. I particularly enjoyed blowing the soap bubbles, looking at my own pupil enlarge and contract with light, listening to the different sounds made by glass tubes and looking at pendulums swing in and out of rhythm.

Cheese pizza was for lunch. It was already afternoon by the time we left the Exploratorium. We decided we had time for just one more stop, and that was going to be the Ocean Beach.

The Ocean Beach is basically the shores of the Pacific, and is located right beside the Golden Gate Park. It wasn’t crowded like most Indian Beaches. We left our shoes, and stepped in. Boy, it was cold! We played games with the waves, and I almost always lost against it, and let it gush through my feet, wetting my jeans and making me scream in wild excitement. My hubby made heaps out of the sand that he called his sand castles and we watched as the waves washed them away. We took pictures. My hubby wrote our names in the sand with a stick, next to where someone had carved “Obama”.

A perfect way to end the day. We stopped at the gas station next to the beach, grabbed coffees and chips, and were ready to leave. It was a scenic drive on 280, as the lights of san francisco faded away in the distance. We were home.

To a lot more trips to come, to more fun times ahead!!!!


Paras said…
hey lux..

SFO sounds inviting enough..

I hope SFO has some good coffee shops :)

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