Random World

Pieces of glass lay on the floor. They pricked, and funnily for a change, made me reflect. I hadn’t broken the beautiful mirror I know. The one who broke it possibly didn’t even know. Now, it was my feet that soiled the floor. I wished I believed in Past Sins, so I could tell myself it was all God’s snare and that I deserved it all. Of course, I can’t wait for things to happen to me and then brood over them and call them my Fate. I thought of buying the thought that it was an Unfair World, a world of random happenings, that didn’t really care for the right and the wrong. When you say something’s random, there are no questions asked, like in lucky draws. So convincing myself, I pulled out the random piece that had pricked me, at this random spot in my feet. I left random little spots of blood here and there. I walked away, random thoughts in my mind….


Anonymous said…
That is the most amazing paragraph I have ever read!!!!

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