My Call.

We all look back. At moments, at bad times, at people as they were..... and we regret. Regret for the time we've lost and now cannot make, regret for the things that happened and those that did not. I speak one such regret, something that did not happen.

The first sight of him, meant nothing to me, perhaps because it was reality. In the midst of uncertainity and the unknown, selfishness paved the way for us, drawing us closer, simply because we shared perspectives, and thought each one to be interesting, like some flick to be entertained from, to learn from, and to forget without bondage.

It were the initail highs. Pleasant smiles, handshakes, conversations that lasted hours, admiration, modesty, willingness. And Hope.

Then, expectations rose. Commitments were cautiously warded off. The pleasant smiles were replaced by a faint sign of acquantainship; a rise of the eyebrow that lasted a milli-second. Time was blamed.

Perhaps I should have consented when he wanted to go away. I had held him then. Now, I am scared to even call. I wonder if this will remain as a relationship failed, or ....... perhaps he will return this call?


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