On Marriage

Marriage. I am sure some of us have always been baffled about this thing called Marriage. There have been endless discussions, debates, surveys and experiences of both love and arranged marriages, with no concrete outcomes. Well, marriage like everything else, means different things to different people.

There are some who follow the herd, believing there is the path that their ancestors have set out for them to tread on, and drift they must not. Ask them about marriage and they shall retort, “It’s been done that way, it shall be done that way alone.” They do not question. They accept marriage simply as a part of their “culture”.

There are some others, who dare to question, who want to think. They trouble themselves with the question why arranged marriage, or why love marriage, usually the former being the case nowadays. They reason out and follow, according to their needs, whatever suits them best. But marry they do.

Then, there’s this very small percentage of people, among which I have always been one, who go one step beyond the ordinary, being different. They question questions that not many can answer, and think things that not many think. They ask, “Why marriage?” Here comes my explanation!

A man is not complete in himself. He requires a woman. A woman being made the way she is also needs a man. The two together give the feeling of Oneness, which is what this entire cosmos is all about. One of the means how people find this oneness, is through sexual intercourse. It is possibly the best known means, makes you feel whole and alive. I am in no way trying to indicate that there aren’t other means, in fact on the contrary, but this one’s the easiest and most popular of the lot.

Now for marriage. Only to keep check. We have over the years molded ourselves such that if there aren’t any rules, we shall go haywire. We require something to keep tabs. And that’s just what marriage does. To make sure you remain loyal, committed and focused.

So now we come to the next question. Why do we need to remain loyal, committed and focused? We all know that the above three adjectives are all virtues. We never ask ourselves this question when it comes to some goal we’ve set for ourselves to achieve. ‘Coz it’s obvious. What is the goal here to achieve? Nothing but Oneness.

Why cannot I just have live-in relationships, which are open, gives me more space and doesn’t tie me down? Am I reading your mind? Well, like I said, we need rules to govern ourselves, and go haywire without them. Things don’t seem practical without rules. It will in all probability happen, that your once loved one shall be renounced, and you shall go in search for someone seemingly better. The mind is after all human. And if you see Oneness as your goal, then it simply does not require more than one man or woman to grant you that. And moreover, you don’t want to catch AIDS, do you? LOL! So, here’s wishing you a very happy married life!

P.S. Please note that the author believes in the “Love = Acceptance” formula and that she can love anybody. Also, please note that since this topic is highly debatable and can get heated up, the author reserves the right to go against all that she has said in this article, if found necessary!


Anonymous said…
Hi lakshmi,

Good article,but i do indeed have my strong opinions.Anyways ur footnote eliminates all rights to argue.How was ur trivandrum trip,looks like u had fun!See you!

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